Croatan Walking Club



We’re excited to launch The Croatan ‘Be Bone Strong’ Walking Club—a community-driven initiative to get us moving, together. Croatan resident (and sometimes NYC resident) Barbara Hannah Grufferman, award-winning author and host of the AGE BETTER podcast, will lead the weekly walks.

For those days when Barbara isn’t in Croatan, Bettina Armour will take over and lead the way! This walking club is an extension of the work Barbara does with the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation embarking on a national effort to raise awareness about the importance of bone health at every age and how you can keep bones strong in many different ways (like walking!).


When: Every Saturday at 8:30 – 9:30am (Note: you will be notified if walks are cancelled due to inclement weather)

Where: Meeting point: Intersection of Croatan Road and Kerry Lane

Distance: 2–3 miles (3 is the goal!)

BONUS! Members-only zoom meetings will be scheduled throughout the year with top medical experts from around the country to talk about all the ways we can stay healthy and active, and answer your questions.

Please let us know if you would like to join us by filling out the form below...

Croatan "Be Bone Strong" Walking Club





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