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Meetings Calendar
Thursday, Mar 20, 2025 - 7:00 pm
Saturday, Mar 22, 2025 - 8:30 am
Saturday, May 3, 2025 - 9:00 am
Saturday, Jun 7, 2025 - 3:00 pm
Daily updates will be posted on the Croatan Beach Facebook page and Nextdoor.
This is an update about the sound panels previously mentioned for additional noise mitigation during remaining CVOW construction at the Rifle Range. The sound panels may arrive as early as this afternoon in the Croatan Beach Public Parking Lot. The sound engineers recommended this placement to best buffer you from site sounds as we continue to shore the sandy soil with sheet piles at the Rifle Range .The panels will take approximately a week to install and position according to the sound engineer’s plan. We anticipate the panels will remain up for about four months. You will see on this sketch below that the northernmost row of parking will be temporarily unavailable. We coordinated this plan with both the City and SMR. As previously mentioned, additional mobile sound panels will also be deployed at our work sites around specific equipment that may produce noticeable noise, such as hydrovac trucks or certain generators. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete this project safely and on time. We are continuously improving our construction practices and thank you for your feedback.
July 10th - this is in regards to Dominions acquisition of the Avangrid lease off of Sandbridge ...Even though we anticipate the deal to acquire the CVOW-South lease area will close at the end of 2024, we have no project timeline yet to share for potential generation in the 2030s. Public engagement will be a slow roll, and our first priority is simply to listen and understand what matters to Sandbridge (the potential cable landing site) and the other communities in the study area along the potential route options to Corporate Landing. We are going to study the route options and perform our own analysis.
As requested, the EMF data for CVOW is attached – from offshore infrastructure to onshore underground and overhead power lines. These boards were shared at the preconstruction open houses in fall 2023. We include data on the EMF levels produced by proposed facilities in all applications submitted to the Virginia State Corporation Commission. Neighbors can also review the CVOW EMF calculations from our 2021 SCC filing documents here, beginning on PDF page 37 (IV. Health Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields). The EMF information continues through PDF page 56, including references. In the SCC’s final order, they concluded that the lines do not pose additional health risks to the public.
Electricity is an essential part of our modern way of life. Every item that generates, transmits or uses electricity produces both electric and magnetic fields, otherwise known as EMF. Dominion Energy understands that community members may have health concerns related to power lines and the associated EMF levels, and we stay up to date on the most current academic EMF research. Like other utilities, Dominion Energy relies on information from state, federal and international health and scientific agencies. Since the late 1970s, scientists around the world have conducted thousands of studies looking for relationships between EMF exposure and possible adverse health effects. To date, none of these organizations have found any causality between potential EMF exposures and long-term adverse health effects.
Resources: EMF | Dominion Energy
Informational, interactive EMF portal: Dominion Energy: Electric and Magnetic Fields and Health
Quick Generation Facts:
Offshore wind turbine field (176 Wind Turbine Generators) will generate a maximum total output of 2.6 GW
Although we will be the largest offshore wind project in the US once operational, we are not the largest in the world. There are other similar size projects operational in Europe.
CVOW will provide enough power for up to 660,000 homes
Like onshore generation facilities (which include various generation types like coal, gas, nuclear, hydro, solar, etc.), we send that energy on the grid via cables/lines. CVOW uses both overhead wires and underground cables to get the power from the offshore wind farm to the onshore electric grid.
This is a large generator to help us meet the growing power needs of our customers. CVOW helps us provide the reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy that powers your every day.
May 16th -We are currently returning to SMR (State Military Reservation formerly Camp Pendleton) to resume construction. We are returning the equipment that we had to remove, including cranes, excavators, trucks, etc. Neighbors may hear safety beeps and equipment moving around the site this week. The cranes are also being reassembled. We are implementing many of the additional mitigation measures discussed with the community, such as sound walls, sound buffer blankets, and equipment and lighting adjustments. Work is planned to occur during daylight hours through the end of May. I’ll update you when 24-7 operations are expected to resume this summer. First Activities - Weather permitting, we plan to do the following on these dates:
Install mobile sound panels as-needed to mitigate sound from smaller equipment.
Resume TJB (Transition Joint Bay area at the SMR)) excavation as early as today.